Friday, December 03, 2004

Updates! Updates!! UPDATES!!!

Does this consider an update?? It is just a few days only. Im like just blog not long ago and im blogging again. Sounds like good news ya? But not actually... Nothing much happened these few days. Yesterday i went driving, the results were rather bad. Got quite a scolding from my instructor. I was a little nervous and stuff so i did badly for it. Especially parking, i can't park a car. Man, i really sucked at parking a car. I think the near future, car mechanics must invent a kind of device in cars where the car will auto park for you. Then... Then the parking system for the world will be a better place. Haha... Must be dreaming too much le. A few hours later i am going for my driving revisions... I do hope i can get a test date as soon as possible. One more day and it will be SAT day. Praying hard that i will do well and my ex-VP will do well too.

Pray for us...

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