Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Power of One

I had a tiring day. Woke up early to attend an event. Business Objects event. It was quite a grand event. An estimated attendence of almost 300. The event was held at a grand hotel so the service and food were of a certain standard. My colleagues and i had a good cuppa before going into the convention hall for the talk. It was boring. Real boring. I almost fell asleep. The entire event lasted only two hours and in-between had a coffee break. Thanks to the coffee break, i did not fell asleep in the room. When the event ended, we went over to Sim Lim square to collect a computer part that my Boss had bought. The building was located about two blocks away from the train station. We alighted at the train station to find ourselves trapped. It was raining heavily. In the end, we took on the rain and took shelter whenever we can. Although the entire journey was short, it was a memorable one. Wearing formal and getting wet, my first in my life. After we paid for the part, we went to have our lunch. With filled stomachs, we reluctantly went back to the office to continue our day. When i arrived at the office, the in-tray for tasks to do were piled up really high. Just imagine, i took 30mins just to read emails and another 45mins to think of a reply and reply those that require my attention. That is how tasked heavy we are. At the end of the day, i was exhausted. But thanks to the good coffee in the morning, the morning part was still pretty good.

What is exactly the power of one? When i mean the power of one, i do not mean that one is a weak number. In quantity, one maybe a good thing. One can be a bad thing too. Of course, in any competition, the lesser the number the more disadvantage you have. But when i mean one, i meant what one person can do. The power of just one. A pessimist will see one as the last digit of the number scale. An optimist will see one as the starting point of everything. Everyone knows the classic story of Journey to the West. The monk in the story said this sentence, 'A journey of a thousand steps, starts out with the first.' One is something that you can never escape. An impact like the fall of the WTC in NYC. One simple act, it made the world more aware of a new kind of global enemy. You do not need a force of millions to conquer the entire world. All you need is just one weapon. If a person is able to make the entire out of power for one day. Think, how many people would he have killed by just making that one choice. It is just one sentence that made me regret deeply. One sentence that was typed out. One sentence that made such a deep regret that i still cannot get overit. That is the power i am talking about. The power of just one.

Mighty Number One...

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