Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Spying for company

I told my boss that my dad's company is using one of the products that we are selling. A rival company is taking up the project. He just called me over to his desk and sent me out of the company and back to my dad's place. So i hailed a cab and went to my dad's place. I met up with the consultants and the business manager soon after. My boss told me to take as much information as possible so they can know more about their strategy. I posed lots of questions to them. Hope they do not find me a nuisance. They were patient enough to go through an example for my mum and her workers to let them have a taste of what is yet to come. They will be coming for the next three days. I doubt my boss can allow me to leave the office for the next three days. But i have left my informant, my mum, to collect all the data and documents. She do not mind sharing it with my boss. Well... Maybe one day they can work together.

I could not sleep last night. I do not know why but my mind was wide awake. It really bothers me alot when i cannot go to sleep when i am suppose to. Not having enough sleep is optional but not sleeping when i am suppose really annoys me. So i just close my eyes and hope i can drift off to sleep. Tossed and turn, but to no avail. In the end, i took the time to think of writing a story. It came to mind that horror movies are always about one creepy 'person'. So i decided on writing one where the creepies are more than one. I shall not reveal too much but i think this story may put a chill down your spine. Thinking of the plot and how the victims die gave me a scare. Lastly, i hope this would be a miricle. One day somebody will take my story and make it into a movie. I would be a famous screenplay writer. HAHAHA... But i guess that will only happen in my dreams. If i can drift off to sleep fast enough.

Cure my amnesia...

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