Thursday, August 23, 2007

Privilleges of a Student

Life of a student is sure fun. No much of responsibility and no one to report. Only you and yourself to study hard and achieve high grades for your course. Sometimes it is stressful but at least its less stressful and tiring than working.

But the problem of being a student is cash flow problem. Lots of money going out but little coming in. Even with tuition classes, its still not enough to cover my expenses. Travelling, lunches, dinners, occasional treats here and there. All amounts up to a big bill. Plus the plunging market prices, makes me even poorer... UGH!

Well, hoping some stroke of luck or something will hit me soon. I don't ask for much, just the top prize for the monthly lottery ticket will do. Thank you!

Monday, August 13, 2007

EPL has revived!

The new season has started! And i have all the time in the world to watch the games now. Doesn't matter even if its on a weekday night. And the best part is, my dad just brought back a carton of bottled beer. Guess its gonna be finished pretty soon. =)

With the new season, im considering to purchase Manchester United's jersey. Especially now we have the champions badge. Its a pity that they did not win the Champion's League Cup, but they worked hard to be the champions of England. They will always be champions even without the cups or trophy. But the cost of a jersey, plus printing of name, plus badges would equals $$$$. Which is $$$$ i do not have. Right now, im saving up for a notebook. Its not easy to suddenly make decisions where you have to curb spendings. Events like having coffee at the joint is taken out. No more outdoor lunches and definitely more home cooking. Guess i will have to start going to the wet market again. Haha...

It isn't easy after leaving the military. Even though the freedom is there, i realise that i have spent alot more than usual. For instance, travelling expenses have inceased 4 fold. That increase is really taxing on my wallet. Im deciding to cut down on lunching and maybe skip lunch so i can have a hearty dinner at home. Unhealthy definitely but it is for awhile. With giving tuition to kids relieving the burden, its still not enough to fully cover my expenses. With the current grim market prices, im looking to see if there is any quick buck to make. Hopefully quick enough to sail me through the next month.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

School Has Started

I finally get to attend school again. It is more than 2 years since my last lesson in an education environment. But the feeling of a university student and a poly student is definitely different. Especially in the quality of the lecturers.

Instead of creating their own set of slides and teaching materials, they follow a set of notes and slides given by the university. And the best part is, some of them do not know what is on the slides and just blabber without following the slides. I feel that i can study better on my own by reading both the prescribed text and notes, do the tutorials and try some quizzes online. The best part about these lecturers, they do not quite care about their student's passing. They seem to be just doing their job within their contract and hope that when it finishes, the school will either renew it or they find a career outside the education sector.

As for the on-campus transfer, i suppose im leaving end of the year. Going over there as soon as possible. Why? It is more worth it paying the exhorbitant school fees. I know its gonna cost more with the addition of living costs and other unforseen expenses(eg. abortion haha...). But i believe that you are paying for the experience which you will never ever do it again. Imagine if you still want to study overseas for a couple of years with a wife and 2 kids?