Tuesday, January 31, 2006

CNY very fun...

Ah... The Lunar New Year have passed. Three days of visiting and chatting with all my relatives had finally come to a halt. Wait... I think i left out a couple more scheduled visits that i have not completed! ARGHZZZ!!! Well, look on the bright side, at least i get to collect more ang baos! Haha...

Its been the normal routine like the past few years. But this year, my grandmother shifted her place. So... His sons and daughters all pooled in money, hired a lion dance to welcome the New Year and bring luck and good health to the new home. My grandmother was oerwhelmed by the actions of her children. With tears rolling down her cheeks, she smiled and enjoyed the ceremony.

After collecting, i mean, visiting all on my father's relatives we moved on to my mother's side. This time was really the norm. Visit, collect ang bao, eat dinner, gamble and go home. Standard... Nothing changed. End of day one.

For day two and three... It's been rather monotonous. Relatives and friends of my parents visited my place. More ang baos again. Haha... Lunar New Year is all for children to gain and the adults to lose. Adults give out money while children take the money and spend it soon. So its the same old same old.

Now i left with two to three places... My sister's place, my church's friends and my ex-boss New Year function. Visiting is a chore, but the ang bao is the gold beneath the sand...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

What the hell???

I just realised i and all my classmates & coursemates that we belong to School of Business Alumni!! What the hell?? I'm never a business student and i have never gotten my timetable from the School of Business. Never i ever don on a business t-shirt or polo-tee. Damn...

Monday, January 23, 2006

Life's Like That...

For the past few days, it has been busy busy busy. Since my arrival to this unit, this month appears to be the busiest of all. Im actually expecting to go overseas next month, but due to a course i have to skip this and probably go for the next one.

Ah... 6 more days to Lunar New Year. Wonder will i get more ang baos dan previous years? Hehe... A round trip with my bosses will sure get a couple more. Haha... But im expecting some questions from my relatives soon enough. My grandmother kept asking me to bring a gal to let her see before she moves on to another life. I wonder if im able to achieve such a tantamount task. As my cousins will poke fun at me and say when will it be their turn to get ang baos from me. Crazy talk i would say.

Shall end it with this quote, learnt from it from the drama seriel. Just lucky to catch it when i was eating fruits.

The longest distance in this world, is you knowing that i love you, and you are just standing in front of me.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Intresting Links

I stumble upon a couple of intresting links during my stay in the office past couple of days. Well, some intrested me, some made me laugh. Posted here are a couple that i think should be shared among my friends.

Click here to see something really cute!

Click here to see this amazing clip. Damn lucky son of a bitch...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

A Lesson Learnt...

My boss today told me this story...

A group of children were playing near two railways, one still in use while the other disused. Only one child played on the disused track, the rest on the operational track. The train came, and you were just beside the track interchange. You can make the train change its course to the disused track and save most of the kids. However, that would mean the lone kid playing by the disused track would be sacrificed. Which one will you choose?

I sat there and think what should be my answer. Most people might choose to divert the course of the train, and sacrifice only one child. Saving the forest and sacrificing the tree.

But another thing came to mind... The child that played on the disused track. He did the correct thing. He knew the track was not in use so he played there. While the kids that played on the operational track should be punished. That made me a big dilemma.

So i told my boss, i will not switch track. I told him the reason and he applauded at my rationality. He said i chose it because of moral and ethical issues. My reasons were that the children knew the track was dangerous, why save them? And... The children playing on the track must expect train to bypass them. Not the one at the disused track, he might get caught surprised by the oncoming train. Furthermore, why the track is not used maybe its faulty. By saving the children, i might end up harming those on board the train. Causing more harm and carnage.

As my vocation sometimes needs to make tough decisions and hasty one, he told us that story to reemphasise our job. As we are dealing with something more dangerous than guns and bombs, we are dealing with human emotions. We do make mistakes and hasty decisions may not always be the right ones. Everybody make mistakes, that is why the eraser is invented after the pencil.

Before he left the lunch table, he told me this quote...

What's right may not be popular, and what's popular may not be right.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Virgin Duty Clerk

My first time doing duty in ATEC. Well, the orientation of the things to be done was simple. It made my job looked simple too. Then there was the time clause... I have to be the first to arrive, the last to leave. Thanks alot for telling me now!! Damn...

So now im waiting for the last person to leave. The best part is... They went out to get dinner, enjoy it and come back to work while i sit here waiting for them to return. So what? I do not need to eat? Am i a robot that just waits for everyone?? Hey... Im hungry and tired. The next day i need to be back here. You drive, you get higher pay, you got more responsibilities. I don't own a car, my pay sucks and i have fewer responsibilites. Why should i suffer with you??

Guess im not going to enjoy my rest tonight. Most probably a bath and maybe a 30mins show. Plus the further bad news given by my boss, i started to dread this vocation...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Mayday Comic

A Mayday comic voice over. Kinda nice. A little crappy but it is their band culture, not to be serious and always playful.

Click here to watch.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Said to update since 2days ago, due to being busy and long working hours so did not manage to do it. Now i am back with enough time before i sleep for a short entry.

Christmas Day
On that special day, i did lots of errands and send my parents everywhere. Was like a chauffeur for them. I invited my friends over to celebrate, in the end i did not dare to invite too many. So... I invited a few, which happens to be all girls. Happened a few days before Christmas, and i think i shall not drag that story out. Well, so i drove to pick my sister up. After that, i went back my parents' office to shut down the security system and carry home a carton of drinks. Since i promised the other two ladies that i collect them at Dover, i drove down as fast as i can to Dover. As i expected, they came late. Nevermind, so they all came to my place and i ushered them into my room. Doubt they would want to stay in the living room long. They watched a horror show on my PC. Kinda expected them to scream, but never expect them to come out with such crappy remarks about the show. Able to see that my sis is still the most timid. Maybe that is why I'm so called chosen to be there to protect her.

Days before New Year
The days was nothing much. Mostly stayed at home to rest and play games. Went out one of the days to watch Chronicles of Narnia. It was touted to be the toppler of Lord of the Rings Trilogy. A challenge to such a great movie, it ought to be seen and see if the challenger is up to the standard. After sitting through the entire movie, my verdict; LOTR is still the champion. Chronicles is too kid's stuff. I mean, i find it very hard to accept that it can topple LOTR. Still... LOTR is the best. Follow by all the Adam Sandlers', Rob Schneiders' and Steven Chows' movies. Those will always be the best.

New Year's Day & Eve
Do not want to say much about New Year's Eve... Dissapointed as i have to 'volunteer' myself to join my dad for his party. Did not enjoyed myself as i had to force myself not to drink too much, i was the 'appointed' driver of the night. Damn... Why can't he just take a cab home? Well, what to do... So i send him home before i join my seniors. They booked a hotel room and we stayed there overnight. Taught a couple of them a card game and they really enjoyed it. Hope the next time we play it, more will get enticed to this game. On New Year's day, i did nothing much. Stayed home to recuperate from the fun i had the previous year.

That's about it... Guess my next update would be pretty far too. Hope it wont drag too far...

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Jokes I Heard Today...

There are 2 jokes that i heard today... Let me type them for everyone. Also... I will do an update tonight. Guess i have rested my blog too much.

1) During the Christmas Season, God wanted to give special presents to those who are nice and good. So he asked one of his angels to go down Earth to check how is the situation. The angel went down and came up, reported to God that 95% of the people on Earth were bad and only the 5% was good. God was shocked. He cannot believe it, so he sent another angel down to confirm this report. Another angel went down and returned with the same results. That angered God, but since its Christmas, he decide to do something. He sent emails to the 5% of the people to tell them to help the 95% to be good, at least for this Christmas. So you know what the email said?? Well, i don't know. I did not receive one, if you do please tell me about it.

2) A farmer was helping a cow to give birth. His son was standing by the side looking very attentive to the actions his father was doing. So the farmer thought, 'Oh god, later he is gonna ask about the birds and bees. Might as well let him finish this show and answer whatever questions later.' So the farmer continued to help the cow and slowly the calf came out.

He cleaned himself up and looked at his son, 'Son, any questions?' The son stared at the calf and said, 'Just one, how fast was the calf going before he hit the cow??'