Thursday, March 27, 2008

Friendly Fire by Paintball

Attended a paintball event with the student's association. It was pretty cheap for 200 rounds of paintballs. Even though we never made up the 20 pax minimum limit to get our own referee, the staff there just gave us our own game and match. So we got our gear and before heading to the battlefields, the girls were given chest guards. Nothing for the guys, not even a cup. It was that dangerous for the guys that day.

So we loaded up and started playing. I guess we had lots of fun. Seriously lots of fun until my teammate shot me in the temple of my head from the back! It was a serious ouch! I mean, seriously painful.

But i didn't knew there were two girls who were so garang on paintballing. They are like shoot and move with me. It was nice pairing up with them. I think its good teamwork i guess. Haha...

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