Friday, December 22, 2006

The Christmas Spirit

Every year, all the malls will have this special sale for this season. Since its the season of giving and sharing, might as well make it more affordable for people that want to give.

It's the same every year, i would think of a few people that i would get something for them. One of them would definitely be my sister. She is the dearest of all and every year i would get her something. This year, i was busy and did not manage to help my sister celebrate her 21st birthday. A very big sin as an elder brother. So i guess i have to pay back what i owe my sister.

Every month i would reward myself with something. Something of monetary in value and usually a splurge. Last month i got myself a new phone. Sony Ericsson K800i. A steal when i bought the phone on a package. Have been eyeing on this phone for the past few months, finally able to hold it in my hands. Like the previous phone, its a phone that packs everything into one. Everything of it is good, camera, phone system, user friendly, music, etc. The only negative point is the bulk. A little bulky but i guess for so many things to be in one, guess the bulk can be overseen.

This month reward would tie in with my personal christmas present. Same as every year, i would get myself something too. With the sale coming on now, i did some recce and i spotted my target. But the store at Raffles City did not have extra, so i had to make reservations at another place. Can't wait to pay for it and use it soon.

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