Thursday, May 15, 2008

What the *beeeeeeeeeep* X 2

Presentation day, Monday

I finally see my missing groupmate. He comes only at the moment he is required. Damn... And when we are preparing for presentation, he pretends to make himself useful. Standing behind me, looking interested. When presentation time, he just stands behind and keeps quiet. Even though he doesn't know anything, he just stands there and keeps quiet. Not bad for keeping quiet, doing nothing and still get full marks for it.

Another Assignment Presentation Meeting, Tuesday

I was suppose to wait for my groupmates at 6pm. They came late. I was in school since 12pm and im really tired. I waited till 6.30pm and we finally started. In the end, i ended at 8pm which made me so hungry and tired. I went home ate and slept. Didn't do anything good...

Assignment Presentation, Wednesday

I got played out. Group members said wear smart casual. I asked, jeans and short-sleeved. They said yes. When i finally see them, they are in jeans and long-sleeved. ARGHZ!!! Great then... I then decided to do more during the presentation. In the end, my tutor found my presentation much better than my groupmates. Hope he doesn't mark me down on attire.

1 comment:

lynn-j said...

How come your grpmates like that.. Din do much still play you out. Anyway u will score better than them. No quality wear so nice also useless. Jiayou !