Friday, March 31, 2006

The Engineer and the Princess

An engineer was driving along the road when he heard screams of help... So he stopped and looked around. Than he realised it was a frog that spoke to him.

'Im a beautiful princess, kiss me and i will let u do anything to me for a week,' says the frog.

The engineer upon hearing this, picked up the frog and place it in the pocket. He got back to his car and continue driving.

Awhile later, the frog spoke up again and said, 'Hey... 'Im a beautiful princess, kiss me and i will let u do anything to me for a week.'

The engineer took the frog out of his pocket, smiled and put it back into his pocket.

After a long while, the frog got frustrated. It finally asked, 'What's wrong with you? I told u that 'Im a beautiful princess, kiss me and i will let u do anything to me for a week. Why don't you kiss me?!?!'

The engineer replied, 'Im an engineer. I do have have time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog... That's cool.'

Weird eh...

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