Friday, September 11, 2009

After the data limit capped at home, i've decided to spend my late nights working in the 24 hour labs located at the campus. It's only a five minutes walk but i always feel that this place makes you feel more attuned to working.

As of my last post, my late nights started since Wednesday. I've been returning to these labs non-stop, every night. It has becomed my second home. At times, I wanted to bring my heater, toaster and even the microwave oven along as well. As i work late, i tend to get hungry, thirsty and crave for energy-loaded stuff. Much to my friends' surprise, i take sweet stuff when im stressed and need that energy boost. But coffee is still 'no sugar please'. :D

The size of the campus can be easily dwarfed by the sheer size of my previous tertiary education facility. It is very tranquil and quiet too at this 2am in the morning. Only the sound of the howling winds can be heard when you step outside. At times, footsteps can be heard which is followed by a man with a large torch and a guard's uniform. Accessing the labs are only allowed by authorized card holders. I've have to go through three doors, swipe my card through the readers to get access to the labs. Most of the time, I'm the only one working at the labs. Each lab is able to fit 20 students, with enough computers are each student. Such quiet conditions and late hours, i think it puts in me in the ideal position where i can work late, not be disturbed and concentrate on what's important.

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