Tuesday, January 31, 2006

CNY very fun...

Ah... The Lunar New Year have passed. Three days of visiting and chatting with all my relatives had finally come to a halt. Wait... I think i left out a couple more scheduled visits that i have not completed! ARGHZZZ!!! Well, look on the bright side, at least i get to collect more ang baos! Haha...

Its been the normal routine like the past few years. But this year, my grandmother shifted her place. So... His sons and daughters all pooled in money, hired a lion dance to welcome the New Year and bring luck and good health to the new home. My grandmother was oerwhelmed by the actions of her children. With tears rolling down her cheeks, she smiled and enjoyed the ceremony.

After collecting, i mean, visiting all on my father's relatives we moved on to my mother's side. This time was really the norm. Visit, collect ang bao, eat dinner, gamble and go home. Standard... Nothing changed. End of day one.

For day two and three... It's been rather monotonous. Relatives and friends of my parents visited my place. More ang baos again. Haha... Lunar New Year is all for children to gain and the adults to lose. Adults give out money while children take the money and spend it soon. So its the same old same old.

Now i left with two to three places... My sister's place, my church's friends and my ex-boss New Year function. Visiting is a chore, but the ang bao is the gold beneath the sand...

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