Monday, February 25, 2008

First Day of School!!!

It was my first day of school here in Melbourne. I got my timetable today and i get to plan it! Yay! So i crammed all my lesson dates into Mon-Wed, leaving thur, fri, sat and sun free. FREE!!! I repeat myself again, thur to sun free!! Haha...

Lectures are like back to poly life. Lecturer, lecture hall, hundreds of students. But the difference is that the students here are younger. I mean almost five years younger than me. There are those other working adults back to studyin but im like the older person among the younger crowd. i realise something too. I see my old self inside them. Paying for school fees but still wanna sleep through lectures. Coming in late and just stroll in to class. Well, things are different now. I've thrown away these bad habits and now felt like some good boy studying hard. Haha...

Lastly, i just wanna share the new experience i had today. In the Uni, there is this open lecture theatre. The only wall that is opaque is the projection wall. The other three sides are all glass. I mean i can see outside clearly. One thing it helps is that you won't fall asleep easily as you can look out to see the amazing view. Its something so new that i feel like going back there again. I will try to get a photo of the place as soon as possible.

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