Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I do not comprehend...

I do not comprehend how life works. You tend to look one side and the other side evolves or change without you knowing it. When you turn back to look at it, it just makes you feel uneasy, a tinge of unfamiliarity and uncertainty. That's why i do not question how life works, i just accept it and move along with the flow.

I do not comprehend how fate works. It binds time and events together. Some people believe in it, some people do not. I'm one of the latter, always thinking that fate is just another word. Another word people used to simply summarise. That's why i do not question how fate works, i just accept it and move along with the flow.

I do not comprehend how luck works. From life and death issues to items of monetary value. We look at how lucky or unlucky we are in life and compare with each other. Sometimes we blame ourselves for being unlucky, sometimes we blame objects or even loved ones. That's why i do not question how luck works. If it works in favour for me, i appreciate it. If not, i'll just accept it and move along with the flow.

I do not comprehend how love works. It is something that couples share. It is something that all living things share. We love not because we have to, because we want to. We want to because we have a feeling that cannot be described. It cannot be described because it is something we are unable to explain. That's why i do not question how love works. I just accept it and put in as much effort into it as i can.

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