Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Counting Down...

Another 2 more weeks... 1 more week till camp and 2 more weeks till ITP. A few days more to my SAT exam. Busy studying for it. Hope i can get a good grade out of it. I was suppose to have study sessions with my ex-VP but i think her schedule is maxed out and we could not meet up. Well, she got to help her sister for her prom night. I remember my prom night. Man... We all dressed as formal as we could to have catered buffet dinner at our school hall. Man... It was really a flop. That momment, us guys just ate and later sat down to think of what to do next. But good thing we left our sports shoes in the classroom. We quickly went up to change our shoes and grab a ball. Next momment, we are sweating like pigs playing soccer at night. Haha... Firstly is only us guys, later on the girls came over and watched us play the game. Prom night, a night to remember. Yes, it is a very memorable night for me. Soccer at prom night. Nothing much to update now... It is all studying and reading. I guess having enjoyed most of your holidays, its time to study and sacrifice for hte future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

improvemt shown, @ least diz blog not as bOring as the previous 1.. hAh! but if can gif us even mORe juicier updates like u & 'whO' lah, ... etc. would be much beta.. *griNz* Oh btw, so u going for ur SAT I yah? 4th Dec's paper? Gimme some tips after ur paper leh, I'm gonna reg for Jan's paper... hehs. So did u undergo prep classes or prep on ur own eh? => -rOSe-