Monday, November 08, 2004

Fruitful Monday

Another useful use of a monday. No blues, no sadness, a little setback for awhile but nothing big enough to hold me back. The day started when i suddenly pop my eyes open. After trying my best to go back to sleep, i gave up and went to wash up. Nothing much was done in the morning except playing games and clearing my table. It is always messy, do not know why... Just pack it not long ago, now messy again. *sigh* After that i messaged my ex-VP to see what i can do to entertain her. We chatted on the phone using messages. It is rather stressful on her phone bills with so many people to reply. Her com is down so we can't do some serious chatting online. She made an appointment with me to go down and 'cure' her com. Hope i can help her as much as possible so that we can both return to our normal lives. We met up in the afternoon to have our lunch together. When i first met her, i find her rather funny. Not comedy funny, but unusual funny. Not her normal self, something is wrong there. Maybe lunch would do her some good as i know she like to skip meals. So we went for some food and chatted a little there. The seats were... Eh... Somewhat memorable. I think this is something only me and her would understand. Haha... We continued our day with a little window-shopping on our way to Coffeebean. It was a rather long walk. By the time we reached the cafe, i think she must be dragging her tired body to the seat. We sat quite long at the cafe... Our favourite hangout point. A few sips of the coffee and she is on her way to pick herself up. Something that she always like. We did somemore window-shopping and this time was looking at some phones. Her target, Samsung E600C, was on promotional offer. We checked it out and it was on a rather affordable price. I urged her to get it while its on offer, she shunned it all and decided to think through it and maybe see whether she have her allowance from her ITP. I predict she will be getting it if she receives it. She bought some groceries before heading home. I accompanied her home as it was rather near. After i see her arrive safely home, i left her place and head for home.

My cousin was featured on the newspaper today. Check it out on Straits Times papers. I would like to talk a little about it. My cousin is autistic. Yes, he is. He could not express himself well when things do not go his way. He would bawl, cry and throw tantrums if things do not go his way. When i first heard that he was autistic, all i could think was how my uncle and auntie accepted the news. It was a heavy blow for them but it took them quite sometime to accept it. As an elder cousin, i do not pity him. But i admire him. He is one that does not give up easily. He has other talents too. He reads like a Primary 4 student when he is studying at Primary 2. He try new words where younger kids would shun the word. Everyday, he is willing to learn. But still like a kid, he still got alot of things to learn. He likes me and he respect me alot. All i can give him is the knowledge i learn and teach him the fun things that i do. I see him trying to complete the task really puts a smile on my face. Sometimes he say things that are totally inappropriate like saying that everybody is going to die when we are taking the Skytrain from one side of the airport to the other. Yes, i did laugh. But was laughing at his words, not him. He seeing me laugh, laugh along innocently. Now all i worry is his future. What would he do? How would he fend for himself in this world where there are many outside ready to bully them? I do not know how to help him, but i will always be there if he ever needs help. I will do my best to help him.

Autistic != Idiot...

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