Monday, December 13, 2004

ITP Starts...

Today marks my first day in ITP. I have officially started my ITP. Man, woke up at 7am. The sky was still kind of dark here... I did things a little faster than usual and i ended up arriving at the company earlier than expected. I met up with my ITP partner, first impression was that he take the office job a little too serious. What's with the tie and blazer?? I almost broke out laughing. But i held back. The office staff let us in and introduce themselves to us. The whole office is made up of a couple of consultants, marketing and executives. Led by a very smart couple. One word to describe the entire office; strict. Lady boss was really strict, she is really adamant about what she wants and what she means. The boss is a very anology guy. He likes to use military stuff and action stuff to describe the situation to everyone. Every Monday will be meeting day, durin the meeting today, he came out with something of a military vehicle and stuff. Makes me think of Metal Gear Solid. The whole day in the office was rather bland. We did nothing much. The entire morning was orientation and some office skills training. I still not used to the printer. Guess i will make it a point to win over the printer. Now the office is gearing up for a seminar this coming Thursday. When i am on my way home, one of the staff called me and told me about the attire on Thursday. Blazer, white shirt, spotted tie, black pants and black leather shoes. Man... That looks so much like some gangster attending another gang's funeral. That leave me no choice but to get what is required.

A day has passed and it have left some nice feeling on me. I feel that the honeymoon time is ending. As soon as i step onto Thursday, i can start to accept crazy stuff. Im trying my best to adapt into the company and learn whatever they are willing to teach me. I do hope i can make the best out of this four months. My ITP partner is doing his best to do what he can. I have not seen his true power yet, a few weeks more and maybe his knowledge of IT will be passed over to me. Hope the company pay me a little more than what the last intern get. I have alot of bills to pay!!

Breathing for air...

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