Monday, March 21, 2005

Training@Avantus: Day One

Today went to OUB Centre, Avatus for a four-day training on MS SharePoint Services. It is a new kind of technology desgined by Microsoft and there are not much experts in this field yet. It was pretty fun. No stress at all. Lessons was boring, it is like practical lessons in school. Lecturer just kept babling on while students just absorb as much as possible. Good thing was this had breaks. Every two hours we had breaks or lunch. Furthermore, coffee was just a few steps away from the classroom. The coffee machine was like a object of pure gold when u just step out of the room for the break. A sip of the heavenly liquid puts you back on track. Arghz... Exxagerate too much again. One thing i realise at the CBD area... Food is damn expensive. A small bowl of noodles cost me $3 and i had to buy bread to suffice my hunger! I really wonder how those ITP students, with the size of my appetite of course, survive there? Or maybe there isn't any other ITP students with my kind of appetite...

I still remember a sentence from the movie Shrek 2. I watched it at least four times, guess i lost count of it. One sentence that the Fairy Godmother said, Happiness is but just a teardrop away. So i questioned the sentence, do you need teardrops to get happiness? Or does it mean that only after having tears than happiness comes? I did not get a good answer from my thoughts. That is because i am a creature with no tears. Not exactly dry like the desert, but i cannot drop tears easily. Tears is my weak link so it is logical that i cannot drop them. But i just do not get it. Do we really need to suffer to have happiness? Happiness always come after tears? For me, i have never experienced tears followed by happiness. Like i said earlier... I can't seem to cry. I think is the lack of the ability to cry has not given me true happiness. If crying or droping tears would give me happiness, i would pay any amount, not only in terms of monetary means, to have the ability. Sometimes it is just so miserable... So miserable...

Tears and Happiness...

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