Monday, March 07, 2005

Truth Hurts

Yes. Truth hurts... In life, all of us can accept the truth. But it is always that truth is packaged together with pain. Why is this so? Till date i can never find an explanation to this. No matter how you see it, the truth always hurts. Lies are what we like. So we kept telling lies to others and ourselves, training everyday to perfect the art of lying. In the end, we are perfect at the art of lying. We are masters of the skill. Yet, this skill is only superficial. It only lasts that period of time. We do not realise that lies not only makes us happy for that period of time, it also heightens the pain that comes with truth. The bigger the lie we say, the bigger the package of pain it comes with truth. So i ask a question... Why are we perfecting this skill? Why are we doing this that has such a big effect in our lives? Why do we want to cheat ourselves and at the end cause so much pain to ourselves? All these questions can be answered by a single answer. An answer i took so long just to understant the true meaning. Each and every lie we have said and heard is all beacuse of this answer. It is because we are afraid. We are timid, weak and feeble. It is because the pain that, comes with truth, is so overwhelming that we do not want to experience it. So we just took the easy way and lied. By lying, we see ourselves as overcoming this fear. We all know deep inside that this 'overcoming' is temporary. But to keep it aside for the momment and not experience it now, makes us human.

Truth Really Hurts...

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