Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Personality Test: Part 2

This is part 2 of my personality test. As usual, i just paste whatever the results are and put in my comments.

Your Agreeableness: Candid VS Considerate
You are moderately considerate. You are an agreeable person. This means that you are well liked and people really enjoy your company. And why wouldn't they? People can sense that you are taking a genuine interest in them and this makes them feel special and as a result, they have high regards for you. With your altruistic personality, you get a lot of practice at making people feel special. In fact, you feel great joy when you help others. Another nice feature you possess is your ability to cooperate. Not everyone can do this, so it is very important in a meeting or social situation to have someone like you present in order to maintain a harmonious situation. This comes from your tendency to want equality and fairness. In dealing with others, you prefer not to manipulate people instead you tend to be open and sincere. This makes you a popular and well-respected individual.

Moderately considerate only?!?! MODERATE?? When around with friends, of course i take a genuine interest. Definitely feel great joy when i get to help people. Cooperation is something i really believe in. Without any cooperation, i feel the world is not going to move on. I am starting to like this personality test. It is so damn true that i do not like to manipulate people. I prefer to guide and persuade. It is always my preferred way of doing things. Manipulation not only disturbs the underlying principles of a human being but touches the sensitive issues of the person itself.

Next entry: Your Self-Control: Impulsive VS Cautious

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