Friday, May 21, 2004

Driving My Life

Had lessons at the driving school today. Went early to do some practice for a pre-exam. The school rules goes this way, you must pass an evaluation test before going for the real exam. This is a good way, but i find it rather troublesome. Having to pass 2 exams to get a Provisional Driving License (PDL). With that PDL, i am legally able to drive a car. Spent the whole day there. Had lunch at a nearby Macdonald's. Went back to the school to attend the lesson. Part of the whole course requires us to attend 5 lessons. 2 Basic Theory and 3 Advanced Theory lessons. I have completed the 2 basic and 1 advanced. Going for the final 2 lessons soon. After that, i met up with my Brother to browse around in Clementi. Went to bank in some money afterwards and realised i have only 2 digits before the decimal. Feel the pinch getting harder and harder...

I dedicate this holidays specifically for learning how to drive a car. I want to drive a car legally before the end of my 1st month of school. Hope everything goes smoothly for me. But seriously, if i were to really drive a car. The first person i wan to pickup is my parents. Time i return the favour of them driving me around. After that, i want to bring my sis to eat at nightspots around my area. She have been craving for the prata near my home. After that, im going to bring my friends around in a car. I kinda pormised my VP i drove her around. At least she knew a friend that drives so that she can stay up late and still be able to reach home. I want to drive so i can use the car when i go out at night. Sometimes a car would do alot of convenience to me. No waiting for busses, no squeezing in the MRT, i get to listen to my favourite radio station or plug in my discs for entertainment. At least now i can choose where to go, without wasting time at all.

Praying to pass...

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