Tuesday, May 11, 2004

What the hell...

Political crap happen to me again. Planned a meeting at 10am with my clubmates to discuss the final details of the ADD. But most of them were late. The best part about it is my President is late but earlier then the others. Therefore, he went over to the enrollment booth at the otherside of the school to help them out. But when everyone have arrived, it was around 1.30pm. I called him to join us, but in the end he gave a reason of going to work at 2pm. Cannot blame him totally, we are at fault too. So after meeting, we had lunch together. Since i borrowed most of my money to the enrollment, therefore i kinda owed my lunch to my VP. The both of us, though different sex, can be very good friends. Just maybe we know each other too much... Haha... Lunch was rather heavy, or should i say extremely heavy. My VP cannot finish her portion of her rice and gave me like 1/2 of it!! Im like... 'Man, im unable to walk.' We continued our own stuff after lunch. I went over to the enrollment area, helped them a little. When i came back, my VP and Treasurer went to the same place to pass them something. Stayed in the clubroom afterwards and helped out in the packing of our doorgift for our ADD. We went for dinner afterwards. Talked and laugh all the while. Went home alone as my club's secretary did not accompany us for dinner.

Im not sure what to say today, but maybe i talk more about a topic i shared with my VP. We are very close friends so we are very open about our topics. We were talking about our partners and whether are they the right choice. My view was since he/she is there, take first. You might not know, maybe she is the right one. My VP point of view was not taking it first. Wait and see to find a better one. But i realise... Finding a partner is like finding a tree to be chopped down for building a wood house. A good tree would make good house. But the rule is that you cannot change your mind when you decide that the next tree would be better than the current one. By the time you keep skipping the next tree or keep changing your mind. Maybe you have gone through every suitable tree in the forest. I would have gotten the first tree i seen most suitable. Even though it does not meet all my requirements, but at least it would make a stable house.

Political issues sucks...

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