Thursday, May 20, 2004

A Long Day

Another FYP meeting was held today as its the last day to finalised the whole proposal. We came down to school, met up and discussed the final details of the project. Had quite alot of thinking to do, but finally finished up the whole proposal. Submitted the proposal soon after. Hurried my way back to the clubroom to join another meeting. The whole committee was there, well, almost. The Welfare Officer is not around. I don't mind, she have worked so hard for the ADD. Time for her to take some R&R. After the meeting, i waited for the rest to finish up the proposal for the Mass Orientation Programme (MOP). After that, we went to Tanglin Mall. My VP and Logistic Head each bought a pair of knitting equipments. They suddenly got intrest in knitting. After that, we walked all the way to Takashimaya. We had our lunch over there. The library was where we headed next. They borrowed a book on knitting and we headed home afterwards. The train had some delay due to technical fault. My Secretary and I waited like 15mins for a train home. Packed like sardines, the ride back home was an uncomfortable one. I left early as my stop was before hers. After that, i took a bus and headed straight for home.

I suddenly feel the gals surrounding me suddenly become enlightened and went really lady like. My Treasurer, also my classmate, also my FYP group mate, went in search for skirts and exposing garments. When i mean exposing, i mean real girl type. Usually she wears long pants and t-shirt. Very seldom does she wear a skirt or a spaghetti top. Things are really changing here. My VP also start to change. She started by learning how to bake stuff, now she wants to go into knitting. The Logistic Head is alright for doing such stuff as she is the kind that portray a femenine person. But its really getting more and more obvious. I guess... When girls go through a certain stage, they began to evolve. I think i shud not use the word 'evolve'. As if my VP is going to become a monster or such. Maybe its another factor, a factor that changes a person's thinking. I guess im gonna see a more feminine side of my friends.

I am evolving...

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