Friday, April 02, 2004


That is the way how a radio DJ i listen to everyday in morning pronounce friday. Sure, it hooked me on... The show mostly have a topic that they discussed among themselves and they get listeners to call them or SMS them to join in the discussion. What i like best is that there is always 3 Djs, and the topic will always have 1 side with 2 supporters and 1 side with 1 supporter. Maybe that makes the show more entertaining.

Went to sch late, to be exact... Went to lesson late and got marked absent. Man i hate that late rule. Why can't they just mark as late? At least im there. Bah... In sch, the rules are the kings and us students are mere slaves of the rules. Today was a short day, everything seemed to go fine and smooth. Didnt see my target today. Didnt even msged her even. Think im trying to see whether i do miss her. In fact, i do think of her sometimes. Just that im still not comfortable seeing her this way. Just have to get used to it. I forgot bout one thing, my grades. I list them down, much easier then typing them into sentences.

MMWD Assignment: B
SDT test: 74%
DSTC test: 60%
DVID Assignment: A

From the grades i think i may have to start studying more. Yeah, less play and more work makes vamp an intelligent boy. At least my favourite sport is not taken away from me. Hope that does not affect me... Gonna go back to my assignments. Boy it sucks to be rushing projects. Just have to hang on to another few days and im a free man.

Work demands attention...

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