Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Half of the race is done...

Begin the day with a bang. Actually i fell on the right side of the bed, what am i saying... There is only 2 sides on my bed (right & bottom), left s against a wall while the top have a headrest or something like dat... It hurt alittle, but it made me really awake. Had coffee and went to school for lessons soon after. Realised that DSTC is getting more and more complicated. And im still stuck way back, guess im gonna work more again. I am working alot... Maybe its still not enough... Help my club's treasurer buy lunch as she had to do duty on the ticketing booth for our ADD. Talked to a Mayday crazy fan which is another club member. Mayday coming to SG, hope im able to see them face to face like last november. Did some ECAD and finished like 50% of the requirements. But it seems like i still have alot undone yet. Maybe its a psychological effect...

Came home rather tired and sleepy. Ate some leftovers and drank a glass of milk and went to sleep. Woke up and ate dinner again. Studied the next move on ECAD project. Hope i get everything done by thursday. Still haven solve my FYP (Final Year Project) grouping. Alot of 'i dont like her' and 'he not very good'. Ususally its the politics. Wonder when will all this end... Tmr gonna talk through with my group. Make a stand on who are choosing and settle it once and for all. Letting it drag will only affect ourselves.

Read reading read(past tense)...

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