Friday, July 16, 2004

Long Long Day

A long day have passed and i feeling really really tired. Morning attended a lesson late. Not sure whether my attendence is taken or not. After that, a lecture of the same module. The lecturer told the whole class she saw me day in day out but not sure who i am. Finally... Im famous!! After that, i continued my day by doing my FYP project. Had to borrow our notebook by today else we wont be able to get it anymore. So i took sometime to go over the place and get the notebook. After that, we came back and continued our project. Had alot of deep discussions and such. Finally we ended the day and went back home to rest.

Helping people is how i live my life. During my younger years, i will never lose an arm or a leg to help another person. Whether the person is familiar or not. Until the day i met my 1st love. She helped people all the way. She would go through everything to help others in need of help. After breaking up with her peacefully(yes, PEACEFULLY), i learn that helping people is actually very fulfilling for me. When people is in need of help, all they need is a glimmer of hope that somebody will hear their cry and come to give them aid. For me, if i feel that i can only see and hear but cannot do anything. I will feel helpless. One thing in life is to be happy and do happy things. Helping other people and seeing them smile is happiness for me.

Always there 2 Help...

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