Thursday, July 29, 2004

The Tertiary League

Another stressful day have passed. Woke up earlier to do my tutorial. Tutorial at 10, woke up at 8 to do. Spent one hour scribbling everything and all the answers. After that, just chuck into bag set off for school. Attended lesson as usual. Nothing much special excpet a lecturer now remembers my name. That is something normal for me, the more lecturers i know, the better is it. A gruesome struggle at my project work today. Another bomb was dropped at me. Consulted 2 lecturers that were good in that topic. Was really stressed as it felt like we cannot do anything right. It sucked. After we explained our logic to our Supervisor, he said its okie as its alright. We were like worrying non-stop for 1.5 days. Distributed the job to the others and i went off. Left early as i need to go for a meeting with other poly members. Meeting was rather fruitful. Had a result out. Have to present our idea tomorrow. Hope i have the energy to present and make the presentation a good one. After i ajourned the meeting, those that need to go left. The remainder stayed back to have dinner together. We talked, laughed, joked and even share experiences. Maybe that is the good part about meeting people from different polys. Met this gal from NP, she is very tall. Taller than me!! Maybe one day i have a picture taken with her and you can see the height difference. But she looks good. Skinny and good. Furthermore, she lived quite near me. Its just a few blocks away from me. I wonder, we live that close but we never got to see each other before. Seperated from her at our train station.

Today was one of the meeting of the main polys and the advisors of the previous event. Im the Chairman of this year's event. A position which is does not have much things to do but have alot of responsibilities to carry. Im considered the leader of this event. The Overall In-Charge. I am glad that the other polys are helping out extensively. Today's meeting have made me seen a good response from all the Polys. Made alot of new friends and from there, i get to know about their school and how their school works. Its like a league, all polys would come together and plan out a major event. Furthermore, my mind is not all the time about this event. Once awhile i will come back and review what i am going to do. What are the things to be done. Its a very taxing job but someone got to do it. Maybe all this hardwork is going to pay off. I'm sure in the near future, im going to see some achievements in putting effort in this team.

Preparing for presenting...

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