Monday, October 11, 2004

Maniac Monday

If life were this boring everyday, i would commit suicide after three exact same days. Went to school in a happy mood and wanted to make my day better by submitting my project. Once and for all, i am free from the shackles of the FYP. Now for the last final part, the demostration and presentation. This is like leaving the prison just that i have not left the compound. After submitting my project, i left my teammates to deal with the presentation stuff. Prepared a little on it. But i was soon called upon to do another project. Im quite involved in this but the time spent of using the software is too short and we are usually told to just follow the worksheets. I think that is not enough as we do not know what are the functions really doing. So i just sat there and did most of the brain work, while my teammates did all the trial-and-error stuff. It is very drain on the mind. Having to analyze and think whether the diagrams made any sense. I do not know whether was it me or the project, everything seems so boring. I hope after this week, nothing would be this boring even. Did nothing much after i left school. Had this mindset to take a cab home. But maybe my thrifty side kept me from doing that and i took a bus instead.

When i was heading my way to school, i was listening to my favourite DJs of the morning shift. They always have a topic to discuss every weekday morning. Today was no different, today's was about family violence. What really shook me was that husband-beaters are more than wife-beaters and usually husbands that go into the hospital after the abuse tend to be more seriously injured than the former. The reason that the DJs have discussed and confirmed is that husbands when dealing out damage, uses the hands and feet. While wives who does not have the brute strength of a man uses weapons ranging from golf clubs to even a chopper! No wonder that husbands ended in hospital with life-threatening injuries than the wives. My 2 cents, why end up in such violent stuff? We are not the only species that have family violence, and that is a fact. Comparing ourselves to animals or insects, we should be ashamed of ourselves. Why resort to violence when everything can be talked over nicely without raising any weapon or dishing out damage. When couples get married, im sure there will be quarrels. But raising one hand to hit the other, that is getting too far. I believe that when one of the pair starts using violence as a way to end arguements, im sure he/she is not worth the love by his/her partner.

Love thy partner...

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